Thursday, July 22, 2010

Army reports record number of suicides for June -

More Signs of the Times

Army reports record number of suicides for June -

I'm rather surprised (and glad) that this was reported by USA Today, but it does still make me skeptical, because I feel we can trust our national media less than we can trust the US Dollar. But the content does not surprise me. I have been hearing about the increased suicide rate in armed forces for some time now, and it is about time it came to light.

Because I do not trust the media, government, banks, and especially the military to tell us the truth, these suicide statistics are probably higher, just as "body counts" (ours & theirs) are usually higher.

Take note of a few things:
-the military suicide rate is higher than the national average
-the Marines suicide rate is the highest of all (per 100,000)
-(From the article): "A leading military suicide researcher says changing a culture that views psychological illness as a weakness takes time."


I am still trying to wrap my brain around this statement. In other words, ordering soldiers to destroy a culture by killing mostly innocent men, women and children, torturing, maiming, humiliating - and then continuing to do this globally, downplaying the horror by calling these worldly warring engagements "theaters" of war - is this not the real psychological illness?...And yet this is not seen as weakness...

Some other facts to ponder:
-the US has now been fighting in Iraq & Afghanistan for 9 YEARS!
-the US is gradually engaging a war with Iran
-the US is provoking an ongoing war between N & S Korea
-the US is establishing a heavy presence off Costa Rica, a small country that abolished its military in 1948 because it didn't NEED a military. Why is the US there? To send a message to Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. What could the US possibly want with Hugo Chavez (besides Oil)?
(See my separate blog on this subject)

Another war coming up?

And more military suicides...

Is it any wonder the suicide statistics are going up? And with more and more war on the horizon, do you think these Statistics are going to go down anytime soon?

When pigs fly.

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