Saturday, July 9, 2011

"All Natural" False Flag Disasters

Love this article by Zen Gardner. Hindsight is, indeed, 20-20 vision.

The New Era of "All Natural" False Flag Disasters

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 1:22

Disclosed nuclear power plants, with a seismic hazard overlay. (Image)
by Zen Gardner

On 9/11 the premise for explaining the dramatic ritual that unfolded before the world was that steel structures can collapse into dust from jet fuel fires. Never before has a steel structure collapsed from any kind of fire nor has one since, yet that day 3 huge buildings dropped like rocks into their own footprints--one, building 7 that didn't come down till the afternoon, did it even without jet fuel.
No problem. Buildings fall from fire. We get it.
And the whole world fell for it...or was forced to.

Enter the Nuclear Factor

Nuclear reactors have never before been destroyed or triggered into a mega crisis by floods. Now we have several incidents under way in Japan, with a threat to two more in Nebraska right on their heels. (We'll get to the fire.)
Easier to swallow now, isn't it? That's how you do it--set a spectacular precedent, then run with it.
BTW, you say the tsunami was an exception? Why was their back up generator put in the basement? Why are there so many questions surrounding faulty construction, strange equipment malfunctions and explosions at the reactors?
Yet the world believes it was "all natural"...despite the strangeness, nonsequiturs and news blackout.

Open the Spigot

No go on to explain why the US Army Corps of Engineers and all their resources deliberately flood massive areas near these Nebraska nuclear facilities, but don't have enough foresight to protect one simple compound housing a massive nuclear arsenal?...never mind the problems incurred at the Cooper reactor downriver in Iowa?
Oh, they put up a rubber berm balloon, but oops, there was an "accident".
And the world swallows it again. After all, floods trigger reactors, we get it.!/image/2213818466.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_295/2213818466.jpg

Then Why Not Fires, Too?

Now let's go to Los Alamos. The area has been hit by wildfires before, yet they've kept the largest stockpile of nukes in the country sitting next to the rest of their nuclear research facilities. And in what? Frikking canvas buildings!
Don't worry, it's a "natural disaster". Just like the others. Nothing to wonder about, back to s(h)leep people.

Ooops...Might Have An 'Accident' Here.....

This is a perfect illustration. The PTBs don't even give things a chance of not happening. They don't even take the chance that the mouse won't take the cheese---they'll lower him on to the trap if they have to.
Same with today's world. Put reactors in the way of hazards, irradiate people for "safety", produce junk food, bad drugs, GMO crops and poison the air and water...and what do you know? Sick and dying people. "Guess this crippled country will be ready to join the new world order after all, eh Mr. Rothschild?"
They'll say it was just an accident once found out, they always do.
We know better.

Anything make sense to you?

Well, we don't find out the insanity of how they've laid things out to be just ripe for disaster until something like this happens, then it's too late. The government also claimed they had no idea airplanes could be used as weapons to hit the twin towers and the other targets. Right.
But that small stuff's just buffering. You have to protect your big lie with lots of smaller ones. The 9/11 discussion was quickly diverted to "Who did this to us?" Watch out for the distractions.
That kerosene can't melt steel, never mind pulverize thousands of tons of concrete, fixtures and office furniture, and then vaporize thousands of people scattering microscopic bone fragments several blocks away isn't important. "We saw those planes and THEY did it! Get them!"

And Now "The Natural Way"

They've done it before and they know they can do it again. All you need is a BIG ENOUGH LIE. Fukushima was BIG....VERY big. It still doesn't add up that buildings were barely damaged in the region yet a tsunami of unprecedented magnitude could be generated like that. Look that one up.
Check this story from an Israeli newspaper. Dead giveaway of this natural disaster conditioning.
Los Alamos National Laboratory is indelibly etched in historical memory as the hatching site of the Manhattan Project, the effort which created the first atomic bomb. The world's largest nuclear weapons arsenal is still located there. Now a raging wildfire has forced the evacuation of the surrounding town of Los Alamos (population 12,000)..
Given the recent Japanese disaster at Fukushima, the fear of course is that a natural disaster can morph into a nuclear one. Source
Of course, the instilled fear and assumption this is "all natural" morphing now. Brainwash, rinse, repeat.

A Decades Old Recipe for Disaster

Not only are reactors perched in precarious geological zones, many of them are running over capacity, and are overdue for maintenance and/or were scheduled to have been replaced years ago. Talk about a recipe for disaster.
What were they thinking? Or were they.
This from AP on June 27:
More than 90 of the nation's 104 operating reactors have been allowed to run at higher power levels for many years, raising the radiation risk in a major accident. In an ongoing investigative series, the AP has reported that aging plants, their lives extended by industry and regulators, are prone to breakdowns that could lead to accidents.
And because the federal government has failed to find a location for permanent storage of spent fuel, thousands of tons of highly radioactive used reactor rods are kept in pools onsite and more is stored there all the time.

Who Needs A Nuclear Attack?

Looks like this country was mined for disaster 50 years ago. All it took was a Fukushima to start the ball rolling, giving the impression "natural events" are triggering these nuclear disasters. Suddenly, we have a flood threatening two reactors in the midwest, and a massive fire threatening a seemingly stacked nuclear dump in Los Alamos.
Sorry, this is all too pat.


The Japan earthquake leading to a nuclear emergency gives a perfect cover to the general populace. The fact that suddenly a similar submerging of pumps and fuel rod holding tanks happens right in its wake therefore is digestible to most. Same with the fire. They're jamming this false conditioning into our heads.
A lot of us were thinking they might try a mini-nuke in a US or European city as the next false flag. Looks like the Japan experiment was successful so they've utilized their geoengineering technology to continue the job, using their atmospheric heaters to trigger earthquakes and steer violent weather into volatile areas.
And now you don't even need terrorists to blame--you can blame nature. Apparently the PTBs think they've got a pretty good grip on her.
We'll see about that.
Made you laugh, didn't it?! Good, we need to relax, this stuff can get overwhelming.
But don't worry, they can't win, just make a mess of things for awhile until the new wave of consciousness takes over.
And oh how they're afraid of it!
Keep raising your consciousness levels and that of those around you - it's working!

Love, Zen

Paul Craig Roberts on the Libyan War & US Hegemony

US To Recoup Libya Oil From China

Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of US Treasury, and former editor of The Wall Street Journal

Interviews with Max Keiser - Monday, July 04, 2011 6:11


What is going on is comparable to what the US and Britain did to Japan in the 1930s. When they cut Japan off from oil, from rubber, from minerals like ore; that was the origin of World War II in the pacific

 Press TV interview from April 16, 2011
Press TV has interviewed Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of US Treasury, from Panama City, who gives his insight on the revolution in Libya and why US President Barack Obama needs to overthrow Qaddafi when no other US presidents did.
Press TV original article here 


Press TV: Russia has criticized NATO for going far beyond its UN mandate. In other news a joint Op Ed is going to be written by Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy who have said that “leaving Qaddafi in power would be an unconscionable betrayal to the Libyan people”.
We do know that the mandate does not call for regime change; the Obama administration has been saying they are not in there for regime change; but things seem a little different now don’t they?

Roberts: Yes they do. First of all, notice that the protests in Libya are different from the ones in Egypt or Yemen or Bahrain or Tunisia and the difference is that this is an armed rebellion.
There are more differences: another is that these protests originated in the eastern part of Libya where the oil is – they did not originate in the capital cities. And we have heard from the beginning, credible reports that the CIA is involved in the protests and there have been a large number of press reports that the CIA has sent back to Libya its Libyan asset to head up the Libyan rebellion.
In my opinion, what this is about is to eliminate China from the Mediterranean. China has extensive energy investments and construction investments in Libya. They are looking to Africa as a future energy source.
The US is countering this by organizing the United States African Command (USAC), which Qaddafi refused to join. So that’s the second reason for the Americans to want Qaddafi out.
And the third reason is that Libya controls part of the Mediterranean coast and it’s not in American hands.

Press TV: Who are the revolutionaries. The US say they don’t know who they’re dealing with, but considering the CIA is on the ground in contact with revolutionaries – Who are the people under whom Libya will function in any post-Qaddafi era?

Roberts: Whether or not Libya functions under revolutionaries depends if the CIA wins – we don’t know that yet. As you said earlier, the UN resolution puts constraints on what the European and American forces can achieve in Libya. They can have a no fly zone, but they are not supposed to be in there fighting together with the rebels.
But of course the CIA is. So we do have these violations of the UN resolution. If NATO, which is now the cover for the world community, succeeds in overthrowing Qaddafi the next target will be Syria because Syria has already been demonized.
Why are they targeting Syria? – Because the Russians have a very large naval base in Syria. And it gives the Russian navy a presence in the Mediterranean; the US and NATO do not want that. If there is success in overthrowing Qaddafi, Syria is next.
Already, they are blaming Iran for Syria and Libya. Iran is a major target because it is an independent state that is not a puppet of the Western colonialists.

Press TV: With regards to the expansionist agenda of the West, when the UN mandate on Libya was debated in the UN Security Council, Russia did not veto it. Surely Russia must see this expansionist policy of the US, France and Britain.

Roberts: Yes they must see that; and the same for China. It’s a much greater threat to China because it has 50 major investment projects in eastern Libya. So the question is why did Russia and China abstain rather than veto and block? We don’t know the answer.
Possibly the countries are thinking let the Americans get further over extended or they may not have wanted to confront them with a military or diplomatic position and have an onslaught of Western propaganda against them. We don’t know the reasons, but we know they did abstain because they did not agree with the policy and they continue to criticize it.

Press TV: A sizeable portion of Qaddafi’s assets have been frozen in the US as well as some other countries. We also know that the Libyan revolutionaries have set up a central bank and that they have started limited production of oil and they are dealing with American and other Western firms. It begs the question that we’ve never seen something like this happen in the middle of a revolution. Don’t you find that bizarre?

Roberts: Yes it’s very bizarre and very suggestive. It brings back the fact of all the reports that the CIA is the originator of this so-called revolt and protest and is fomenting it and controlling it in a way that excludes China from its own Libyan oil investments.
In my opinion, what is going on is comparable to what the US and Britain did to Japan in the 1930s. When they cut Japan off from oil, from rubber, from minerals like ore; that was the origin of World War II in the pacific. And now the Americans and the British are doing the same thing to China.
The difference is that China has nuclear weapons and it also has a stronger economy than do the Americans. And so the Americans are taking a very high risk not only with themselves, but with the rest of the world. The entire world is now at stake on American over-reach; American huberus – the drive for American hegemony over the world is driving the rest of the world into a World War.

Press TV: In the context of America’s expansionist policies, how far do you think the US will stretch beyond the UN mandate? Are we going to see boots on the ground?

Roberts: Most likely – unless they can find some way of defeating Qaddafi without that. Ever since we’ve had Bill Clinton, George W Bush and now Obama, what we’ve learned is law means nothing to the executive branch in the US. They don’t obey our own laws; they don’t obey international law; they violate all the civil liberties and buried the principal of habeas corpus – no crime without intent; of the ability for a defendant to be legally represented.
They don’t pay any attention to law so they’re not going to pay any attention to the UN. The UN is an American puppet organization and they will use it as a cover. So yes if they cannot run Qaddafi out they will put troops on the ground – that’s why we have the French and the British involved. We’re using the French elsewhere in Africa also; we use the British in Afghanistan – they’re puppets.
These countries are not independent. Sarkozy doesn’t report to the French people – he reports to Washington. The British PM doesn’t report to the English people he reports to Washington. These are puppet rulers of an empire; they have nothing to do with their own people and we put them in office.

Press TV: So these other countries would welcome having NATO troops on the ground?

Roberts: Of course. They are in the CIAs pocket. It’s a CIA operation, not a legitimate protest of the Libyan people. It’s an armed rebellion that has no support in the capital city. It’s taking place in the east where the oil is and is directed at China.

Press TV: Where do you see the situation headed? There seems to be a rift between NATO countries with Britain and France wanting to increase the momentum of these air strikes, but the US saying no, there is no need.

Roberts: The rift is not real. The rift is just part of the cover, just part of the propaganda. Qaddafi has been ruling for 40 years – he goes back to Gamal Abdel Nasser (before Anwar Sadat) who wanted to give independence to Egypt.
He (Qaddafi) was never before called a brutal dictator that has to be removed. No other president has ever said Qaddafi has to go. Not even Ronald Reagan who actually bombed Qaddafi’s compound and tried to kill him. But all of a sudden he has to go. Why?
Because he’s blocking the US African Command, he controls part of the Mediterranean and he has let China in to find its energy needs for the future. We (the US) are trying to cripple our main rival, China by denying it energy. That’s what this is really about; a reaction by the US.
If the US was concerned about humanitarianism, it wouldn’t be killing all these people in Afghanistan and Pakistan with their drones and military strikes. Almost always it’s civilians that are killed. And the US is reluctant to issue apologies about any of it. They say we thought we were killing Taliban or some other made-up enemy.

Press TV: Who will benefit from all of this other than the US? The other countries that comply with US wishes- What do they stand to gain from this?

Roberts: We are only talking about NATO countries, the American puppet states. Britain, France, Italy, Germany, all belong to the American empire. We’ve had troops stationed in Germany since 1945. You’re talking about 66 years of American occupation of Germany. The Americans have military bases in Italy – how is that an independent country? France was somewhat independent until we put Sarkozy in power. So they all do what they’re told.

America wants to rule Russia, China, Iran, and Africa, all of South America. They want hegemony over the world. That’s what the word hegemony means. And they will pursue it at all costs.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Aliens Blowing Bubbles?

Star Wars? Star Gate?  Cosmic Soap Bubbles?


"Wanna see something really scary? -  Dan Aykroyd, Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983)  

Ha Ha. Don't worry. It's nothing really scary, like aliens importing reinforcements through an inter-dimensional portal, as some have suggested. You can breathe easy now. Chances are it was only a Minuteman Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) expunging wasted fuel  that exploded or something like that. It's nothing. Don't worry.

Wait a minute! What? It's a what? An ICBM missile? In space? Like the kind that were shot off in that movie The Day After? The one where everybody's hair started falling out after a nuclear attack, and their skin peeled off? Those ICBM missiles?!

Don't worry, the millitary brass assures us. Vandenburg has been shooting these things off for years. Nothing to be scared of.

ICBMs in the upper atmosphere blowing huge bubbles in the sky? That's not scary? So they are saying: "Any minuteman missile flying through the upper atmosphere, whether real or for testing purposes, is not scary and should be ignored." Is that what NASA is telling us to alleviate our ongoing fears that this world is in the hands of psychopathic lunatics?

We are continually told by military personnel and various related spokesmen:
"Don't worry, it's nothing."
"It's unarmed."

"It's for some peaceful non-military purpose."
"It's not what you think."
"It's necessary for National Security."
"Nothing to see here..."

And then they continue with what they were doing. Only they have a habit of stepping it up a notch every time. See my post here on the number of nuclear explosions in the world since 1945, brought to you by these very same really scary people.

Are we the Idiots? Or them?

Look at the bubble video. This is new. Why haven't we seen this before? We never saw those spirals in the sky a couple of years ago either. The explanations were bogus, as usual. Don't worry. It's okay. We know what we're doing.

Nobody questioned sonic booms in the fifties when planes broke the sound barrier. Frankly, I haven't heard one single sonic boom since I was 12. Maybe the reason we don't hear them anymore is something technical that I don't know about. Or maybe they're still there and I'm losing my hearing because I'm always falling asleep with my pod earphones on. (Or whatever they're called these days) But historically, NASA (and military brass) don't rush to let the American People in on anything they are doing. But they are quick to offer bogus explanations when smarter people than them start questioning what's going on.

One thing you can be sure of. As long as warring, stupid, unenlightened people are in charge of the government and military (and the world) (see PS below), we will continue to live in a world of war, stupidity and unenlightenment.

But then, what's the point of having peace? There's no profit in it.

PS - I mean banks too. Take that you legal tender fiduciaries!!


Spirals over Norway, 2009
And we're not talking about the spirit of yin-yang here...
(or are we? Never mind. This is already too deep for me.)


"Ever since I read Lies My Teacher Told Me I don’t trust anyone with authority." - Javier Ortega
Star Wars, Star Gate Or U.S. Missile ?


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Some Truth About the Libyan War Situation


Cynthia McKinney human rights fact-finders show Libyan deaths and injuries are not ‘propaganda’

June 9, 2011
Powered by Translate
by Deborah Dupre

A Misrata child was injured by NATO attacks that now are destroying Tripoli, injuring and killing innocent people, as they target Qaddafi. – Photo: Getty Images
In the CIA kick-started war on Libya, The New York Times report Monday by John F. Burns, calling Libyan civilian casualties “propaganda,” does not square with a series of WBAIX in-hospital interviews (posted below) by Joshalyn Lawrence that show civilian victim survivors of U.S./NATO intensifying bomb raids, both witnessed by a human rights fact-finding mission including Cynthia McKinney and former members of parliament, who report it is NATO spin that mainstream media is reporting.
“Sightings of civilian casualties have been rare,” reported Burns on June 6. “Visits to bombing sites, hospitals and funerals have produced a succession of blunders, including patients identified as bombing victims who turned out not to be, empty coffins at funerals and burials where some of those interred turned out not to be airstrike victims at all.”
The Lawrence videos, on the WBAIX channel, of hospitalized civilians is evidence that, rather than injuries and killings by bombs being “rare” or reporting “blunders,” they are realities. Graphic images of the wounded are documented in the WBAIX videos created by Joshalyn Lawrence.
In the videos, one after another wounded innocent civilian described atrocities to Cynthia McKinney, in a fact-finding mission with a team including a delegation of former MPs and professors from France, all now in Tripoli.
The live-stream Lawrence videos on DeBar’s channel document the NATO attacks and the injured, showing their wounds and describing friends and co-workers killed.
McKinney’s fact-finder team is seen entering one hospital room after another, each with the injured and the doctor explaining how the injury occurred and showing the injuries.
Houses are “completely destroyed” and meanwhile, according to McKinney, NATO has its own psychological operation in progress.
In a June 7 statement by McKinney, she refutes NATO claims about making “significant progress” in “protecting Libyan civilians” and “targeting military intelligence headquarters in downtown Tripoli.”
The fact-finder team, of which McKinney is a delegate, planned a program to visit camps of internally displaced persons in the area but this could not occur because of U.S./NATO attacks.
“[W]e are not able to complete our program while Tripoli is under attack. I will do my best to visit some of the areas bombed today when and if this attack lets up.”
Like The New York Times, The Washington Post headlined “Libya government fails to prove claims of NATO casualties” and the Los Angeles Times headline was “Libya officials put a spin on a conflict.”
“These bombs and missiles are not falling in empty spaces: People are all over Tripoli going about their lives just as in any other major metropolitan city of about 2 million people,” stated McKinney.


“I don’t understand why they want to kill us,” said one young woman seen standing with others outside the Tripoli hospital room, explaining that the old are also being injured and killed.
“Why?” is the question repeatedly asked by the injured who are able to speak.
Political analyst Webster Tarpley answered that question Monday, June 6, on Press TV, stating that the “goal of all this all along has been to smash Libya into various parts to drive Qaddafi out of power and to seize control of the oil to re-impose the yoke of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in still more severe form than we ever had it.”
“And I think right now desperation is growing, especially in London and Paris, that old Suez 1956 combination of unreconstructed imperialists,” said Tarpley.
“They are desperate now because their methods so far are not working. They tried high level bombing, combined with this rebel rabble underground with a lot of al-Qaeda fighters included in it and that’s not working.”
Wayne Madsen, who was among those in the hospital with McKinney and others, seeing the patients and witnessing the injuries, has reported that early mainstream media reports included photos of Libyan rebels waving weapons and discharging them into the air, while “NATO member nations were supposedly locked in debate as to whether or when to provide weapons to the rebels.”
“Someone in the media finally pointed out that the weapons being waved about in the photos were NATO standard issue,” reported Madsen.

Democratically elected Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, targeted for assassination, survives recent attacks. – Photo: Getty Images
Foreign Secretary William Hauge has said that NATO’s almost three month long mission is intensifying and it could last many more months, according to Press TV.
Tarpley speculates that the U.S. aggression on Libya could bring President Obama down. Republicans who have been long-time warmongers “are now seizing on the Libyan war as a means of attacking Obama.”
The War Powers Act “would have required Obama to get congressional approval for what he is doing within 60 days, meaning by about May 20,” stated Tarpley. “At May 20, the second clock starts which gives him 30 days to pull out. If Obama does not pull out of the attack on Libya by about the 20th of June, he could be brought down by the Republicans in the House, who might use that as a vehicle to express their resentment so they build up some other issues.”
African Americans in Harlem urged public support on Wednesday as they protest the U.S./NATO attacks on Libyan Africans and the targeting of Libyan leader Col. Muammar Qadaffi, the man praised by Nelson Mandela for supporting the anti-apartheid struggle and the man who has said No to the establishment of a U.S. military command (Africom) on the African continent to take African resources. (See “African Americans’ emergency gathering to stop Qadaffi assassination” by Deborah Dupré, National Human Rights
McKinney asked June 7, “What were you doing today between 1:00 p.m. and now? The people of Tripoli endure the trauma of repeated bombings in their immediate environment.”
Referring to “imperialist” Nuremberg crimes against humanity in Libya, Tarpley said that “undoubtedly,” depleted uranium and cluster bombs are being used, “and all the rest.”
Investigations have revealed that the U.S. Navy used cluster bombs on Libyans that injured the innocent, including children.
“[A]nd that’s what they call democracy these days.”
Deborah Dupre holds American and Australian science and education graduate degrees and has 30 years experience in human rights, environmental and peace activism. Email her at and visit her website, This story first appeared at

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Goodbye Facebook...

I just deleted my Facebook account. I have thought of it before for various reasons that have to do mainly with Facebook’s leaking of account details and information. I don’t know firsthand if it is true or not, since it has not happened to me personally (to my knowledge). Anyway, I have nothing to worry about. I haven't published any underwear pictures of me like Tony the Wiener, er, at least not that I recall, although I did accidentally turn on my web cam and stood in front of it naked and LMAO. (But I only made twenty disc copies for my closest  friends. Honest!)

I suppose if someone drops me an official-looking summons with a message that says, "Hi Mike, how's that wart doing on your right butt cheek...?   (click) LIKE!  (click) FRIEND ME...See you in court, baby!" ... then I guess I'll know.

Today I read a report from Bloomberg with the headline Facebook Used As Tool To Serve Court Papers. You can read it here.

“It seems only logical now that tools like Facebook or Twitter be used” to contact people who can’t be traced using traditional means, said Daniel Hamilton, director of Big Brother Watch in London, noting such efforts don’t violate personal privacy. “Now is it desirable? No.”

Interesting. They "don't violate personal privacy"...
That, of course, is debatable.

But that says it in a nutshell. My Facebook information can be used against me by someone else, someone I don’t know, someone who might want to serve me with papers not in my best interests. This has been done to others. It could happen to me. It could happen to you. After this, what else will Facebook be used for? It is already widely rumored, and probably true, that Facebook was started,  not by a young college geek with a bright idea nobody ever thought of before, as Hollywood has blissfully claimed, but by the CIA as a means to keep tabs on the world surreptitiously. The world. Not just the USA.

You may recall (or not) that once upon a time when Social Security numbers were invented, one's SSN was never intended to be used for identification purposes, only for government tax records. And we all know how far south that went. Can Facebook be far behind?


"Although some people do not have an SSN assigned to them, it is becoming increasingly difficult to engage in legitimate financial activities such as applying for a loan or a bank account without one.[12] While the government cannot require an individual to disclose his SSN without a legal basis, companies may refuse to provide service to an individual who does not provide a SSN."  

Anyway, I’ve never been a Facebook "user." I’ve never divulged any information or pictures that I didn’t want to share out there. I’ve submitted a few “wall” posts and such, mostly pertaining to my blog site, Save My Brain. And frankly (to date myself), I never did "get" Facebook, and the way people communicate on it and somehow “master” its quirky way of communicating, if you can call it that, and somehow think this is the coolest thing since cell phones were reduced to palm size.

I realized early on that I would never fit in with this crowd. I received a strong impression that most of them have no idea how to converse in real time, but can be completely verbose onscreen. They talk but do not speak. They read but do not understand. They hear but do not listen. They inhale but do not exhale. They eat but do not chew.

Whenever I read Facebook pages, I get a dreamy, hauntingly familiar feeling that\there is a great big party going on somewhere, and if only I knew where it was...

How can you handle Facebook excitement like this:

Meanwhile, on some other page...


In the modern world, internet conversation is often about shock value, like saying something that proves that you sometimes leave your house with your eyes open and moving, whereas  live conversation (you know, "real time")  is more about filibustering with rap-like platitudes, as opposed to speaking full sentences that demonstrate that one has graduated from K-8. Perhaps the origin of this comes from the rules of British Parliamentary Procedure. Whoever has the floor talks, and keeps on talking until time is up or somebody else manages to grab the floor. Or on Facebook, until somebody presses the "Like" button and "Likes" you. If you can impress enough people you're in. Just like in real life.

I have read things on Facebook that were short and profound...and drew absolutely no response from others at all.

I have read boring mundane statements that drew cheers and commentary from those with equally mundane minds. Others simply clicked the  "LIKE" button.

I saw my niece's Facebook page, and incredibly she had 1450 friends! I looked at my page and was ashamed that I had only 6 friends. What's wrong with me? Oh woe. Oh despicable me! What a loser.

Anyway, good luck to the rest of you still on Facebook. I have asked myself, "Why do I want to be on a website that may be used to take my information and serve me some scary papers?" I don't hang out in front of lawyers' offices for this. Why do it on Facebook?  I am good with this. If I had a "LIKE" button on my desk I would press it.

Now that I have deleted my account, I must wait a full 14 days without returning to the Facebook site, and then it will be completely deleted. However (and this is extremely important, warns Facebook), if I should accidentally return to Facebook before 14 days are up, then I will melt into goo in  my computer chair and all my computer files will be deleted. Since I don’t want that, I guess I will force myself to wait.

To the rest of you still on Facebook, know that Big Brother is definitely watching you, so be careful when you parade naked in front of your webcam. When you are eventually served with a summons on Facebook someday (like for parading naked in front of your webcam), by then Facebook will have added some new apps, and there will probably be a “Serve Me!” button you can press, for convenience.

But if you want to delete your Facebook account, Facebook won't tell you how to do it - not directly. Why would they? You'll have to do as I did and Google -- "How the @#!!  do I @#!! delete my @#!! Facebook account, @#!!  ?" and then you'll find out. You can't miss.

Goodbye to my 6 "friends". I hardly "LIKED" ye...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

War Is Sell

Interesting documentary by Brian Standing about how propaganda has been used for over 100 years by advanced "media" methods to sell ideas, concepts, habits and war, sometimes to make us believe in the rightness of wrong ideas, and even to believe that something exists that ain't necessarily so. It is really about illusions. If you have ever seen the movie "Wag The Dog" you understand what this is about.

Interview with Brian Standing here.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Truth About Bin Laden

We finally got him, Boss.  And you can take that to the bank!


The Iconic Meeting - THE Picture.  -  Finally... R.I.P.  O.B.L.
This is it. The Big Moment.


We can't see a danged thing. But who cares what they're looking at?  It's enough to know that we know what they're supposed to be looking at. Never mind that they might really be reacting to the news that the kitchen is serving gefilte fish for dinner.

Originally I decided that, since a picture is worth a thousand words, I would  just publish the picture as it now is with Osama's face, laugh for a minute and then leave it, with the current headline. Nice idea, but only one thing wrong… or maybe two.

First, no sooner than I had published it and sent it out to some of my mailing list than someone wrote back immediately, asking "Where is the article? I want to know the truth about Bin Laden."

If this were a piece of fiction, the next line might be "and then I frowned..."

Maybe the picture wasn't obvious. I was trying to be clever and hide the picture's obvious joke in plain sight. Maybe I succeeded too well. I thought it was overtly obvious, and still do. So I did the most reasonable thing I could think of. I wrote back to the mailing recipient and replied, "It's a joke. Look at the picture again." I didn't hear back, so...

Second, I realized soon afterward that I was not the only one in the world who had the idea. I've seen three or four copies of the same picture, only with Bin Laden in different places, and many more with completely different happenings going on. Everyone has the same idea; not many are fooled by this picture. And some of them are hilarious. Others are pretty dull. Mine is...well, of course, great. And appropriately tongue-in-cheek. I wasn't going for the knee-slap joke. How could I, with one of the most published and iconic photos in the last two weeks? And not even my picture. But since the world perception  is that it was a staged picture, and that the White House is still insisting this event is real, that this picture is genuine, (and "real-time" at that), it is inevitable that a slew of "roasts" would follow. Mine is one of them.

I thought of having Bin Laden wear a white cloak as he does (excuse me, did…rip) in several pictures. My original idea was to fit only his head in the shot, originally on Obama's body. It was okay, but not great. It was clever but not funny. I thought of Joe Biden next, but I couldn't do it. Biden's great  bloodhound expression is too priceless to cover over. If there was ever a bored expression, Joe's got it, and it tells volumes about the actual meeting, as far as I'm concerned. Perhaps they did too many takes and Joe's starting to nod off...

I then selected Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  Osama’s face fit perfectly over Mullen’s, and I loved Osama’s  turbaned face with Mullen’s brown shirt and tie, as if Osama was some computer programmer down the hall who happened to be in on the meeting. In light of well-known knowledge that Osama was once working for the CIA, the picture as it stands seemed to make the point well. So I left it as is. There are many other similar spoofs, to be sure.

But of course I happen to like mine the best.


For those who absolutely must know:
The Situation Room of the White House, May 1, 2011.
Seated, from left to right, are:
  1. Vice President Biden,
  2. President Obama,
  3. Brigadier General Marshall B. “Brad” Webb, Assistant Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command;
  4. Denis McDonough, Deputy National Security Advisor;
  5. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State; 
  6. Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense.
Standing, from left to right, are:
  1. Osama Bin Laden, (Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;)
  2. Tom Donilon, National Security Advisor ;
  3. Bill Daley, Chief of Staff;
  4. Tony Blinken, National Security Advisor to the Vice President;
  5. Audrey Tomason, Director for Counterterrorism;
  6. a person in a beige shirt;
  7. John Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism;
  8. James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence; and
  9. a person in a black suit with a white tie. 
Note: a classified document seen in this photograph has been obscured.
(I am curious about the pictures on Hillary’s computer)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Dearth of Bin Laden

 Sunday, May 01,  2011

There is an old Simpsons episode in which the town of Springfield is threatened by an approaching asteroid. (Bart’s Comet) When the danger has passed, and the comet burns up in the atmosphere to the size of a Chihuahua’s head and rolls to the feet of Homer Simpson, who naively predicted that this is what would happen, Moe shouts out to the mob, “Let’s burn down the Observatory so this will never happen again!”
In March 2011 the world was threatened by a Tsunami of water from an M 9.0 earthquake, surrounding Japan.
In May 2011 the world was threatened by a Tsunami of lies from an M 10.0 Media quake, surrounding the death of Bin Laden.

 We Hardly Knew Ye...
Most of the world media, lacking any journalistic integrity or responsibility, accepted this absurd story and hopped all over it - to use a cliché - like fleas on a dog, as the Presidential-Military spin machine knew they would. They knew the world media weren’t going to let this one get away, not THE top story of the last ten years, bigger even than the election of the first U.S. black president.  Even bigger... Dare I say it?...than media coverage of 911 itself?

The two go so hand in hand, that, theoretically, you cannot have one without the other. And yet the events of 911 are being paid mere lip service. Bin Laden, the guy who “planned" and "caused” 911, according to ten years of  compounded media spin, is dead. Finally. Great. About time. He’s dead, and in the eyes of the world that is what really counts, that he's dead. He's Dead. Dead. Dead. Understand?

What was 911 about again?
Jeez, it was so long ago...
Oh yeah, two buildings falling in NYC.
What? Three buildings? Really?
Goddam that Osama! Why somebody oughta…
Oh, we did? Just now?!!
But you said that guy was an, never mind...

According to media spin official reports, he was with his 5th wife Fatah and some old cave friends in an unidentified “compound” in Pakistan. Apparently they were watching old videos of Osama's glory days. Navy SEALS “somehow” got the right Intel, after only 10 years, and invaded the compound, er, apartment building. They knew right where to go because the TV was too loud, and because everyone started laughing when they saw the video of Osama shooting an AK-47 and turning to ask a compatriot, "Do you have anything smaller?" Unarmed, Osama tried to defend himself by using his dialysis machine as a shield. When that didn’t work,  he then hid behind Fatah, and whoever else he could get to stand in front of him, but  thanks to Navy SEAL Team 6 marksmanship, they only shot his wife in the leg, but managed to get Osama neatly in the left eye.

Er, neatly? Actually, he was quite a mess after several photoshopped layers were added to a youthful 1998 picture of him and, officially sanctioned by the U.S.,  placed on the internet. No doubt his wife Fatah will now have a clean guest spot on Oprah's TV network, as long as Osama, er, I mean Obama, is not on the same show. Rumor has it O may endorse Fatah for a Presidential run in 2016, but of course that's only a rumor...and it may be dependent on her first appearing nude for Playboy. (I mean Fatah, not O)

When the world discovered the photos were bogus, the U.S. took away the photos’ officialdom and cursed the unknown fakers responsible for publishing them, vowing instead to never release the “real” photos because they are too horrible to look at, more horrible than the pictures of depleted uranium Iraqi victims that the U.S. has willingly released from time to time in the past to garner support for the war(s).

More horrible than Hiroshima survivor pictures.

More horrible than  Hillary Clinton pictures...

Rather than sticking Obama’s head on a pike, (sorry - I mean Osama) and then  drawing and quartering his body and sowing it with lime,  (I still mean Osama) and then feeding it to the seals - I mean pigs - the SEALS instead, out of “deep respect” for traditional Islam funeral rites, buried him at sea.

Yes, I’m still referring to Osama.

Burial at sea goes against Islam practice, but what the heck? It’s clean. It’s respectful. It leaves no tracks. Osama sleeps with the fishes. Dead men, buried at sea, tell no tales. And besides, it’s Obama’s and the military’s way of not disrespecting Osama. Whatever they do, they certainly don't want to "dis" Osama bin Laden. Nor does our Presidential-Military-Spin (PMS) want to give Islam a bad name. They know that wouldn't be right.

And, just to make sure they were killing the right guy, after they killed whoever it was, since they weren’t really sure beforehand, the SEALS established Osama’s official  “identity” with DNA testing, and in record time, unbelievable!, a matter of minutes apparently, but now they, I mean "he," won’t divulge the tests due to national security. (I mean Obama now, not the SEALS).

But a thought occurred to me. What if they had been wrong? Shouldn’t they have done the DNA test first, since a DNA test can now be applied so quickly? Couldn't they just hold a gun on Osama, shout the Arabic word for "Freeze!", take the DNA test, get the results, wait for pink to turn blue, then Bing Badda Boom?

Well, after all is said and done, now they won’t show the video!  Every SEAL had a nice new Best Buy cam strapped to his helmet. And they can't show us a decent picture of the action? Jeez! I mean, we've seen plenty of  blood and guts before on CSI and Dexter. Couldn’t they have at least shown us a nice last picture of Obama sitting there in the living room in front of his TV and his dialysis machine, with his hands raised, just before they killed him?

Sorry. I still mean Osama. (I don't know why I keep doing that!)

Honest! I'm not lying...
I'm just a puppet.

The more I hear this story in the “news”. The more I get the image of a child who has told a lie, and is now desperately adding to the lie to keep from getting caught.  (You know, I think that would make a good story. If only I had a title...)

The lie keeps getting bigger and bigger, and more uncontrollable. Eventually it will point directly back to the U.S.  And also to Israel. And if you think Israel is going to accept the blame, think again.

Mr. President! Team 6 is just about to...Eew! Awright, who cut the cheese?...

If you think the U.S. is going to take the blame…well, let me rephrase that.
If you think Obama ( and I do mean Obama this time ) is going to take the blame, think again. From now on, it’s either:
1.      Keep trying to prove the Bin Laden lie, or
2.      If the lie busts, then Save the President and prove plausible deniability, or
3.      Try to keep the lie going at least until after the 2012 election

Foreseeable problems with these:
1.      Proving the lie will prove to be too complex, involving too many people, too many disappearances, too many assassinations, etc. The internet is letting everyone know what is going on these days, for anyone who cares to look deeper than Fox or CNN. You cannot hide from the internet anymore and you cannot shut it down for good. From now on the truth will always emerge in some guise. More and more, people are seeing that the emperor has no clothes.
2.      Saving the President is too cumbersome.  No one accepts Plausible Deniability anymore. Therefore, heads will roll. Too many heads will roll. Remember Nixon and Watergate. Nixon loyalty dwindled sharply after his resignation and one major whistleblower named John Dean. Again, more and more, people are seeing that the emperor has no clothes.
3.      This third choice will happen regardless of #1 or #2.

The Pentagon is releasing information and videos, showing everything but the truth of the matter. They expect the people to swallow this tripe, and the sad fact is, for now most people are swallowing happily, if mainstream TV news is to be believed. There are a lot of vindictive comments expressing angry joy and joyful spite that bin Laden is “finally” dead, never mind all the suppressed evidence that points to the likelihood that he died in 2001.

The whole message of this “breaking” story is to celebrate Barak Obama’s “leadership” and get people scared about Al Queda once again, instead of trying to fix:
·        radiation from Japan
·        poisoned Gulf waters
·        increasing wars
·        increasing debt
·        America’s downward slide
.        Dancing With The Stars

It is also about:
·        justifying the last ten years of murderous foreign policies created since 911
·        justifying policies of interrogation, rendition, imprisonment
·        letting people know that the New World Order (NWO) is here
·        creating the illusion that something has finally been accomplished in the last ten years
·        setting the stage for another terror attack, the next stage in the NWO
·        a false flag operation in the guise of a false victory, no less so than flight-suited George Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” fiasco.

It is not real. Nothing is changed.

In spite of Bin Laden's "death", remember this:
·        The price of gas is not going down (ok,, maybe just for a few weeks)
·        The price of  food is not going down
·        The quality of food is certainly going down
·        The world population is certainly going up
.         "They" want the world population to go down, way down
·        Inflation is not going down
.        Oliver Stone will never get any history right, and hopefully will never do the movie version of  "Laden"

If there is any good news about the death of Bin Laden, it is this: The internet and mainstream news is abuzz with bin Laden stories. All over the world more people are waking up and questioning the story. Maybe the majority have not yet reached a decision, are just shaking off their groggy sleep. Perhaps the majority still believes that it was really bin Laden who died the other day. But those in the know who have been following the story since 2001 know the truth, and are spreading the word. And the truth shall indeed set everyone free. In this case, the truth is that the liars have become more glaringly obvious than ever before in history. The more lies they conjure up to cover up their previous lies only digs them a deeper grave.

The deceivers have indeed deceived themselves to think they can continue to pull off this charade.
Far easier to sell a TV comedy series called My Five Wives.

See my related humorous post here:

Friday, May 6, 2011

Return Dept.

The Return of…

Douglas MacArthur

"I Shall Return"


I'll Be Back!...

Ozombie  Bin Laden

(Zombiespeak for:
"I am coming back to devour all of your flesh 
blessings be upon you all...")

General Petraeus

Get your hands off me!! You can't handle the truth!!
Bin Laden is still alive, I tell ya!!
We gotta stop him before he kills again !!
You're next!!...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Obama-Osama: Your Daily Psy Op

I am working on my own article about Osama and Obama, and the strange inconsistencies found in the circumstances around the birth of one, and the death of the other. But for now, Mr. Nilsen says it all very well.
by K.R. Nilsen

On May 1. 2011, to the day exactly 235 years after the founding of Illuminate, US president Obama proudly announced that the US military had killed the "most wanted terrorist" in the world, Osama Bin Laden. And after this crime, where a man was apparently sentenced and murdered without any trial whatsoever, people all over the world are rejoicing and dancing in the streets!

Amazing - a tasteless and morbid celebration of murder on Illuminati day, exactly according the spirit of that organization.

There are, however, a couple more points that make all of this smell even more:
Hmm - Osama... and Obama...
Hey, they rhyme!
Are we related?

1. Funny that this happens right at the time where the birth certificate controversy is at its highest. What greater diversion could have been cooked up, than this? President Obama is apparently a very "lucky" guy, and the timing is just perfect.

2. Bin Laden was hastily buried, on the grounds that the US military had such a great respect for Islamic burial traditions. However, this did not apply when Saddam's sons were killed: they were kept for 11 days before burial, and displayed for all the world to see. And we all know about the tendency of great warlords, to put their captives and causalities in public display, for gathering whatever "honor" the masses can give them. You tell me that the US military/government has no such tendency anymore?

3. Now if the US military was so keen to observe Islamic burial traditions, why then did they allegedly bury Bin Laden at sea, when this is strictly prohibited in Islamic tradition? You tell me they respected one part of the tradition so much that they had to break another part of the same tradition? How stupid can these people possibly think that we are?

4. In no culture in this world is it preferred to bury people at sea. Everybody intuitively knows that having someone buried in the ground, is the preferred option. Why, because we then know where they are, of course. And more important: we know they are dead, leaving no room for uncertainty whatsoever. And with uncertainty gone, the eventual process of grief can then start with its healing effects. Bottom line is that the US military command perfectly knew and understood that burying the guy at sea was not in accord with any tradition whatsoever, and would provoke reactions and tough questions. There absolutely has to be some other reason for doing this. What could that possibly be...?

5. Of course the US military and the White House is now being challenged on whether they really killed Bin Laden on May 1. John Brennan, Barack Obama's counter-terrorism adviser said: "We are going to do everything we can to make sure that nobody has any basis to try to deny that we got Osama bin Laden."

Sorry guys, too late. If you really meant what you said here, why dump the guy at sea, effectively abandoning the only real evidence that could convince the skeptics: a dead body.

6. We then have the congressional statements of various CIA people that Bin Laden was killed in late 2001 or early 2002. This also coincides with the fact that the US hunt for Bin Laden was dramatically reduced after 2002. From regarding him as the "number one priority", president Bush Jr. later claimed that he "did not care" at all where Bin Laden was. What an incredible 180 degree turnaround regarding the so-called "world's most wanted man"! There can be only one reason for this change of attitude.
7. The US military command well knows that doing their thing this way, is going to provoke a lot of contention. Some will come from the Islamic parts of the world, but the heaviest allegations are going to be domestic, splitting the US population even more. The timing is perfect too, as the critique of president Obama is mounting. Just another example of the Illuminati strategy of divide-and-conquer, further dividing the US of A. All of this is probably done to make the "conspiracy theorists", meaning anyone not buying what the powers-that-be declare in their ex-cathedra statements as pure and unadulterated truth, look really stupid. Yet another attack on anyone trying to think for themselves.

Without a body, this issue will obviously never go to rest, but rather separate the population further into "trusters" and "skeptics" regarding the US government. Further, Bin Laden was allegedly executed on May 1., the same date as Illuminate was founded on, in 1776. Hey, what an interesting coincidence - how strange indeed! All of this is going to feed endless speculation and contention, and in reality we have yet another 9/11 to think about now, instead of a resolve of the original one as allegedly intended.

The crazy thing about all of this, is that the guy has probably been dead for almost 10 years already. Seems like some people are kind of hard to kill, especially the ones created by the CIA and the US military to be scapegoats in their own evil schemes.

With Bin Laden officially gone, who is now going to be the new scapegoat? Take your pick, but I'll put my 5 cents on a US domestic group:  big-government skeptics in general, and "conspiracy theorists" in particular. Chances are, there has now been a sea change - better get ready for some action.

Kaj Nilsen is a 42 y.o. computer programmer & information analyst, from Norway. He is working on a book dedicated to cracking the number 7 code of the Bible & its prophecies.

Benazir Bhutto - Osama Bin Laden was murdered (but not in 2011)

Benazir Bhutto - Osama Bin Laden was  murdered (?)

In a November 2, 2007 interview, less than two months before she would be assassinated, Benazir Bhutto was asked by reporter David Frost of Al-Jazeera English about a letter that she had sent to Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf. The letter outlined who she believed should be investigated in the event of her assassination. While giving her answer, she listed as one of the suspects a "key figure in security... a former military officer in Pakistan" who had dealings with, among others, "Omar Sheikh, the man who murdered Osama bin-Laden."

Longer version below.

and for a counter point: (from  - not sure who this is)
("...she meant to say Daniel Pearl, not Osama Bin Laden...")

(Of course, anyone could make that mistake...)


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Can You Handle the Truth? - Leuren Moret Dishes It Out About Radiation

~Can you handle the truth?

And I mean the 
whole  @#!!//!# Truth
Welcome to the neo-nuclear age. Like radiation, it's not going away.
Some 2012ers say we are entering a new existence, that our very DNA is changing.
They may be righter than they think!
Below is an absolute must watch from geoscientist Leuren Moret on:

  • Japan Tsunami Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
  • Worldwide effects of radiation since the 1940s
  • Why trusting our government?...any government? an oxymoron
  • Why it's too late to pretend we don't see the nuclear elephant in the room
  • The Hope that is there, and the cure that always has been


Yes, it is long, but worth watching every minute.

About Leuren Moret:
  • Leuren Moret was an Expert Witness at the International Criminal Tribunal For Afghanistan At Tokyo. She is an independent scientist and international expert on radiation and public health issues.
  • She is on the organizing committee of the World Committee on Radiation Risk, an organization of independent radiation specialists, including members of the Radiation Committee in the EU parliament, the European Committee on Radiation Risk.
  • She is an environmental commissioner for the City of Berkeley.
  • Ms. Moret earned her BS in geology at U.C. Davis in 1968 and her MA in Near Eastern studies from U.C. Berkeley in 1978.
  • She has completed all but her dissertation for a PhD in the geosciences at U.C. Davis.
  • She has traveled and conducted scientific research in 42 countries.
  • She contributed to a scientific report on depleted uranium for the United Nations sub commission investigating the illegality of depleted uranium munitions.
  • Marion Fulk, a former Manhattan Project scientist and retired insider at the Livermore Lab, who is an expert on radioactive fallout and rainout, has trained her on radiation issues.
  • Leuren Moret has conducted research concerning the impact on the health of the environment and global public health from atmospheric testing, nuclear power plants, and depleted uranium.
  • She has helped collect and measure radiation in 6000 baby teeth from children living around nuclear power plants, and helped The State of Louisiana (USA) pass the first state depleted uranium bill for mandatory testing of soldiers.
  • Leuren Moret is a Livermore nuclear weapons lab whistleblower, an Environmental Commissioner in the City of Berkeley, and testifies as a depleted uranium expert in the new documentary film BEYOND TREASON.   