Sunday, May 01, 2011
There is an old Simpsons episode in which the town of Springfield is threatened by an approaching asteroid. (Bart’s Comet) When the danger has passed, and the comet burns up in the atmosphere to the size of a Chihuahua’s head and rolls to the feet of Homer Simpson, who naively predicted that this is what would happen, Moe shouts out to the mob, “Let’s burn down the Observatory so this will never happen again!”
In March 2011 the world was threatened by a Tsunami of water from an M 9.0 earthquake, surrounding Japan.
In May 2011 the world was threatened by a Tsunami of lies from an M 10.0 Media quake, surrounding the death of Bin Laden.
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Osama... We Hardly Knew Ye... |
The two go so hand in hand, that, theoretically, you cannot have one without the other. And yet the events of 911 are being paid mere lip service. Bin Laden, the guy who “planned" and "caused” 911, according to ten years of compounded media spin, is dead. Finally. Great. About time. He’s dead, and in the eyes of the world that is what really counts, that he's dead. He's Dead. Dead. Dead. Understand?
According to media spin official reports, he was with his 5th wife Fatah and some old cave friends in an unidentified “compound” in Pakistan. Apparently they were watching old videos of Osama's glory days. Navy SEALS “somehow” got the right Intel, after only 10 years, and invaded the compound, er, apartment building. They knew right where to go because the TV was too loud, and because everyone started laughing when they saw the video of Osama shooting an AK-47 and turning to ask a compatriot, "Do you have anything smaller?" Unarmed, Osama tried to defend himself by using his dialysis machine as a shield. When that didn’t work, he then hid behind Fatah, and whoever else he could get to stand in front of him, but thanks to Navy SEAL Team 6 marksmanship, they only shot his wife in the leg, but managed to get Osama neatly in the left eye.
Er, neatly? Actually, he was quite a mess after several photoshopped layers were added to a youthful 1998 picture of him and, officially sanctioned by the U.S., placed on the internet. No doubt his wife Fatah will now have a clean guest spot on Oprah's TV network, as long as Osama, er, I mean Obama, is not on the same show. Rumor has it O may endorse Fatah for a Presidential run in 2016, but of course that's only a rumor...and it may be dependent on her first appearing nude for Playboy. (I mean Fatah, not O)
When the world discovered the photos were bogus, the U.S. took away the photos’ officialdom and cursed the unknown fakers responsible for publishing them, vowing instead to never release the “real” photos because they are too horrible to look at, more horrible than the pictures of depleted uranium Iraqi victims that the U.S. has willingly released from time to time in the past to garner support for the war(s).
More horrible than Hiroshima survivor pictures.
More horrible than Hillary Clinton pictures...
Rather than sticking Obama’s head on a pike, (sorry - I mean Osama) and then drawing and quartering his body and sowing it with lime, (I still mean Osama) and then feeding it to the seals - I mean pigs - the SEALS instead, out of “deep respect” for traditional Islam funeral rites, buried him at sea.
Yes, I’m still referring to Osama.
Burial at sea goes against Islam practice, but what the heck? It’s clean. It’s respectful. It leaves no tracks. Osama sleeps with the fishes. Dead men, buried at sea, tell no tales. And besides, it’s Obama’s and the military’s way of not disrespecting Osama. Whatever they do, they certainly don't want to "dis" Osama bin Laden. Nor does our Presidential-Military-Spin (PMS) want to give Islam a bad name. They know that wouldn't be right.
And, just to make sure they were killing the right guy, after they killed whoever it was, since they weren’t really sure beforehand, the SEALS established Osama’s official “identity” with DNA testing, and in record time, unbelievable!, a matter of minutes apparently, but now they, I mean "he," won’t divulge the tests due to national security. (I mean Obama now, not the SEALS).
But a thought occurred to me. What if they had been wrong? Shouldn’t they have done the DNA test first, since a DNA test can now be applied so quickly? Couldn't they just hold a gun on Osama, shout the Arabic word for "Freeze!", take the DNA test, get the results, wait for pink to turn blue, then Bing Badda Boom?
Well, after all is said and done, now they won’t show the video! Every SEAL had a nice new Best Buy cam strapped to his helmet. And they can't show us a decent picture of the action? Jeez! I mean, we've seen plenty of blood and guts before on CSI and Dexter. Couldn’t they have at least shown us a nice last picture of Obama sitting there in the living room in front of his TV and his dialysis machine, with his hands raised, just before they killed him?
Sorry. I still mean Osama. (I don't know why I keep doing that!)
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Honest! I'm not lying... I'm just a puppet. |
The more I hear this story in the “news”. The more I get the image of a child who has told a lie, and is now desperately adding to the lie to keep from getting caught. (You know, I think that would make a good story. If only I had a title...)
The lie keeps getting bigger and bigger, and more uncontrollable. Eventually it will point directly back to the U.S. And also to Israel. And if you think Israel is going to accept the blame, think again.
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Mr. President! Team 6 is just about to...Eew! Awright, who cut the cheese?... Joe?...Hillary?... |
If you think the U.S. is going to take the blame…well, let me rephrase that.
If you think Obama ( and I do mean Obama this time ) is going to take the blame, think again. From now on, it’s either:
1. Keep trying to prove the Bin Laden lie, or
2. If the lie busts, then Save the President and prove plausible deniability, or
3. Try to keep the lie going at least until after the 2012 election
Foreseeable problems with these:
1. Proving the lie will prove to be too complex, involving too many people, too many disappearances, too many assassinations, etc. The internet is letting everyone know what is going on these days, for anyone who cares to look deeper than Fox or CNN. You cannot hide from the internet anymore and you cannot shut it down for good. From now on the truth will always emerge in some guise. More and more, people are seeing that the emperor has no clothes.
2. Saving the President is too cumbersome. No one accepts Plausible Deniability anymore. Therefore, heads will roll. Too many heads will roll. Remember Nixon and Watergate. Nixon loyalty dwindled sharply after his resignation and one major whistleblower named John Dean. Again, more and more, people are seeing that the emperor has no clothes.
3. This third choice will happen regardless of #1 or #2.
The Pentagon is releasing information and videos, showing everything but the truth of the matter. They expect the people to swallow this tripe, and the sad fact is, for now most people are swallowing happily, if mainstream TV news is to be believed. There are a lot of vindictive comments expressing angry joy and joyful spite that bin Laden is “finally” dead, never mind all the suppressed evidence that points to the likelihood that he died in 2001.
The whole message of this “breaking” story is to celebrate Barak Obama’s “leadership” and get people scared about Al Queda once again, instead of trying to fix:
· radiation from Japan
· poisoned Gulf waters
· increasing wars
· increasing debt
· America’s downward slide
. Dancing With The Stars
It is also about:
· justifying the last ten years of murderous foreign policies created since 911
· justifying policies of interrogation, rendition, imprisonment
· letting people know that the New World Order (NWO) is here
· creating the illusion that something has finally been accomplished in the last ten years
· setting the stage for another terror attack, the next stage in the NWO
· a false flag operation in the guise of a false victory, no less so than flight-suited George Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” fiasco.
It is not real. Nothing is changed.
In spite of Bin Laden's "death", remember this:
· The price of gas is not going down (ok,, maybe just for a few weeks)
· The price of food is not going down
· The quality of food is certainly going down
· The world population is certainly going up
. "They" want the world population to go down, way down
· Inflation is not going down
. Oliver Stone will never get any history right, and hopefully will never do the movie version of "Laden"
If there is any good news about the death of Bin Laden, it is this: The internet and mainstream news is abuzz with bin Laden stories. All over the world more people are waking up and questioning the story. Maybe the majority have not yet reached a decision, are just shaking off their groggy sleep. Perhaps the majority still believes that it was really bin Laden who died the other day. But those in the know who have been following the story since 2001 know the truth, and are spreading the word. And the truth shall indeed set everyone free. In this case, the truth is that the liars have become more glaringly obvious than ever before in history. The more lies they conjure up to cover up their previous lies only digs them a deeper grave.
The deceivers have indeed deceived themselves to think they can continue to pull off this charade.
Far easier to sell a TV comedy series called My Five Wives.
See my related humorous post here:
OMG Michael!
A pure delight to read ~
Great writing, provoking compatible humor that supports my 'disbelief' in this human evolution thingy, 'seemingly' happening here on the spinning sphere in space...I guess this IS the Great Mystery! Keep writing! and remember to eat.
Hi Michael - your writing on the truth about Osama is awesome. I do believe that your info is right on. The site "Above Top Secret" has many blogs on the death of Osama Bin Laden dying in 2001...from a bombing. His "death" now giving credit to the Obama administration smacks of a mind control Operation meant to get Obama re-elected by a landslide.
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