This is a "recently" developed weapon designed to burn you up inside without causing burn marks. Supposedly it will not "harm" anyone, but it will make people (like a crowd of protesters and other innocent civilians) turn and run.
It's called "The Silent Guardian," an almost innocuous-sounding name that sounds more like some household product you might buy at a local hardware store. But not so innocent. This is a serious piece of weaponry. Who made this delightful toy?
Here's how they describe it:
"The Silent Guardian™ protection system is a revolutionary less-than-lethal directed energy application that employs millimetre wave technology to repel individuals or crowds without causing injury. The system provides a zone of protection that saves lives, protects assets and minimises collateral damage. Silent Guardian produces precise effects at longer ranges than current less-than-lethal systems and provides real-time ability to establish intent and de-escalate aggression. Various commercial and military applications include law enforcement, checkpoint security, facility protection, force protection and peacekeeping missions. The system is available now and ready for action."
"Ready for action." Sounds like the new GI Joe toy in stock. Be the first on your block, and so on...
For you tekkies who love details, you can go here to read Raytheon's pdf product guide. (Scroll down to check out the "demo riot control" pictures in the brochure.)
Here is a video of it in action from "60 Minutes," with reporter David Martin as the guinea pig.
Is this real? Definitely.
Is he faking? Probably not.
Is it harmful? Probably (though it is claimed that it is not).
Is this actually being used somewhere? Yes.
Check out the following links:
- Microwaving Iraq - (Rense dot com)
- Military Ray gun to be Tested on Inmates
- Ray Guns Real: Army Betting Big on Laser Weapons
- "Pain Ray" in California Prison...Torture of US Prisoners
- Introduction to H.A.A.R.P.
- H.A.A.R.P.
"Man-made Lightning" blaster guns - Laser Induced Plasma Channel™ (LIPC) technology, courtesy of Arizona-based company Ionatron. $10 million worth of product to be developed for the US Navy. And yes... the gun will be just like it sounds. Tazer from further away, without all the messy wires. Which I guess makes it a "Phazer." (Can I get sued for using that word?)
(Probably not. I misspelled it.)
You've seen it in Star Trek and many other sci-fi shows and films. It was only a matter of time before we'd see it in the
Poor choice of word. Sorry.
Welcome to the 21st century...