Saturday, August 14, 2010

Obama mortgages the Gulf of Mexico to BP :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

Obama mortgages the Gulf of Mexico to BP :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

BP and Obama, sitting in a tree...

Once again, the truth is out there, and the facts are there, hidden in plain sight for all to see - or overlook - as the case may be.

In the case of BP OIL & the Gulf of Mexico, BP wins.

Notice I did not say BP OIL vs. the USA. There was never a contest of BP vs. the USA. The people yes, the government, no. In fact, BP and the U.S. are now bigger pals than ever before. Now they are officially partners. The U.S. is now in the drilling business. BP has proved there is lots of oil in the Gulf, and now the U.S. wants in on the action.

It is now officially okay for one of the largest oil corporations in the world to mess up one of the largest bodies of tropical waters, killing indigenous species and ruining the environment for years…and get away scot-free, with a slap on the wrist. A “token” slap at that.

BP is now "required," over the next three years, to pay 20 billion dollars incrementally into a “disaster fund,” which on the surface sounds like a fair thing to do. However, this amount, which sounds like a lot, is hugely disproportionate to the crimes originally committed, the lives lost, and the crimes that continue in the back rooms. On top of that, how can we put a price on the environmental damage created by a spill of this unprecedented size? What is the price of all of the marine life killed? The beaches forever tarnished? The businesses destroyed? The 11 workers who died and the anguish spilled into the lives of their families? (there has been little media reporting about them)

Money seems to be the only bottom line here - as usual.

20 billion? Suddenly, it does not sound like that much to me now. Cash is now practically non-existent in the world, and “money” is mainly virtual. Where’s the money coming from? Where’s the lesson learned if all BP has to do is sit down in discussion with the likes of Obama and his #1 handler, Rahm Emmanuel, and a few lawyers and bankers and punch in some agreed-upon numbers in a computer? So-called "money" never even changes hands. Who's giving the money? Who's receiving it?

Who benefits?

What’s more, the disaster fund (notice they are not calling it a fine, fee, or any kind of reprimanding words, not that it would matter) is tied in with BP’s continual Gulf work and profits. After this big mess, shouldn’t someone responsible be thrown in jail, or hung? Run out of town? At the very least, shouldn’t BP be out of a job instead of allowing BP to continue on with business-as-usual? At the very least, BP should not be allowed within 1000 miles of the Gulf or any water.

But it’s not going to happen. Because BP and U.S. are pals now. Partners.

Even the Wall Street Journal has raised its eyebrows:
“Tying the disaster fund directly to Gulf oil revenue has obvious political advantages for the company, because it could make the administration and BP partners of sorts in developing the Gulf.” WSJ Here.

Patrick Martin’s article in Uruknet sums up the BP / U.S. “bed-mates” situation neatly:

“Such a move (tying the fund directly to Gulf oil revenue) would coincide with the purposes of the Obama administration, whose main concern, since the Deepwater Horizon disaster began with an explosion that killed 11 oil-rig workers April 20, has been to preserve the profitability and viability of BP. The White House never considered commandeering the assets of the corporate criminal, instead allowing BP to retain control of the disaster site through a series of failed attempts to shut down the oil leak. It has persistently downplayed the possibility of prosecution of any executives from BP or its partners in the well.”

Ongoing with this ugly, brazen, not-so-back-room deal is the ongoing speculation, and in some cases, visible proof, that BP never capped the problem well, and that it is still spewing oil. So much Corexit has dispersed the oil sufficiently to send it to the sea bottom, lending the illusion that all the oil has “gone away”, since the ocean, at least in pictures, looks much cleaner. (However, dead fish are still washing up in the gulf, and on shores as far away, apparently, as New Jersey. Coincidence? Go Here. )

In addition, It is known that BP had two wells going. Well #1 ran into problems, and so they abandoned it and started Well #2, the scene of the explosion. It is speculated that BP is using closed-down Well #1 to impersonate “capped” Well #2. There are many stories on this on the internet. Here is one link.

When in doubt, spread conspiracy and confusion. Disinformation and diversion. Distracting attention through somewhat related, yet bogus media stories, or sometimes completely unrelated stories like the tragedy of Lindsay Lohan in jail. This is the way the dark side works to stay out of the light. When this happens, as it seems to more often, you can be sure something else is going on that is hidden.

“In politics there are no accidents,” Franklin Delano Roosevelt once (allegedly) said. “If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

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