Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cesium? Iodine?...What About Plutonium?!!

Until March 14, 2011, when the Fukushima nuclear power plant reactor houses were heavily damaged, most people had not much familiarity with radioactive elements like Iodine 131 and Cesium 137. Even now, unless one is a chemist or nuclear physicist, we know little about them, except that they are used in the manufacture of nuclear fuel. And that they are extremely toxic and lethal.

For this reason, since the nuclear accidents in Japan resulting from the 9.0 earthquakes on March 11, some "nuclear watchtower" websites have appeared throughout the world whose purpose is to measure levels of radiation through Geiger counters. Sites like Radiation Network, and EviroReporter. But so far they are only calibrated, apparently, to read levels of iodine 131 and cesium 137. The six reactors affected in Japan have been releasing these elements. But the third reactor (Reactor #3), because it has been using MOX fuel (mixed oxide fuel), has also been releasing small amounts of Plutonium. The watchtowers are not reporting these Plutonium levels. And as far as I know, no one is. Or no one is being allowed to report them.

One gram of Plutonium can "overdose" (read: kill ?) 1 Billion people. There are currently 6.7 Billion people, and this summer in July 2011 the world population will reach 7 Billion. You do the simple math about how much Plutonium it takes to kill off the world. It is not very much.

"Plutonium – used in the fuel mix for one of the six reactors – has been found in soil at the plant - but not at levels that threaten human health, officials say over and over. I did not know there was such thing as safe levels of plutonium, did you?"  
          Dr. Mark Sircus - March 28, 2011


Conspiracy theories abound, about this and everything under the sun. We live in a fearful, suspicious world. When you get slapped in the head and taken advantage of enough times when you are young and naive, this is what happens. You become suspicious, of everything and everyone.

It is a sad, current state of affairs that we are ruled by secrets and deceptive information. Our leaders seem to believe that maintaining secrecy about what we know will protect us, or else our knowing too much will harm us. Yet we cannot afford to conceal any more "intelligence" information or to disseminate information on a "need-to-know" basis. We need to know what is being hidden from us. Hiding the information will not protect us. Knowing it will not harm us, but it may put our leaders out of a job. This much is either true or yet another conspiracy theory, that the reality and level of radiation poisoning needs to be concealed from us for our protection, so we don't all panic and run into the streets and steal everything from Wal Mart.

Of course, the ultimate conspiracy theory is that this is not being done for our protection at all, that the "global elite" want to kill off most of us to make more room on the planet for them. If that is true, then no wonder they are not letting any more information out than necessary.

(According to the Georgia Guidestones, the ideal population for the world is 500 million.

But even if this is true, this is not the only philosophy in town. This is not the only reality in this world of all possibilities. The whole bedrock of the nuclear energy program since its inception is the idea that there is nothing else out there that is cheaper or more feasible to create electricity. Just as we still believe that gasoline and combustion fuels are the only way to get around, that cars are the only way to transport ourselves, we still believe that electricity must come from nuclear power to be plentiful. There are mavericks out there proving this idea wrong, but the general world doesn't know it yet, because the knowledge is not readily available, thanks in large part to the powers that be who control the dissemination of the knowledge.

Knowledge is Power. Knowledge is ammunition for the fight. And make no mistake. We are at war, not with Muslims or Jews or any ideologies. Knowledge is the real battlefield. We are at war with those people and institutions capable of financing all of the wars of the last century. There are enough books and literature out there to establish definite core relations between these people who represent corporations, banks, and private interests. Collectively they are better known as the Global Elite. Like the Wizard of Oz, they are especially proficient at implementation through sublimation, while hiding and convincing the masses to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

We can no longer afford to be blind, oblivious, complacent, and ignorant. Our world and our lives are at stake. Magician's tricks have been  happening all around us for decades, and we are still the duped audience. We have been hypnotized and led in false directions, asleep, drugged through pills and food and drink, distracted though TV, Hollywood films, and shallow journalism. We have been led to believe a history of the world that never existed as written. All things have become parodies of all things. Current events are highly skewed, having in common death, bloodshed, and whatever is the shock and awe du jour.  Sex and violence are still the top influences on the list.

We, the people of the world, are being raped, and told to lay back and enjoy it.

~ Michael Schwaba

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