Saturday, June 25, 2011

Some Truth About the Libyan War Situation


Cynthia McKinney human rights fact-finders show Libyan deaths and injuries are not ‘propaganda’

June 9, 2011
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by Deborah Dupre

A Misrata child was injured by NATO attacks that now are destroying Tripoli, injuring and killing innocent people, as they target Qaddafi. – Photo: Getty Images
In the CIA kick-started war on Libya, The New York Times report Monday by John F. Burns, calling Libyan civilian casualties “propaganda,” does not square with a series of WBAIX in-hospital interviews (posted below) by Joshalyn Lawrence that show civilian victim survivors of U.S./NATO intensifying bomb raids, both witnessed by a human rights fact-finding mission including Cynthia McKinney and former members of parliament, who report it is NATO spin that mainstream media is reporting.
“Sightings of civilian casualties have been rare,” reported Burns on June 6. “Visits to bombing sites, hospitals and funerals have produced a succession of blunders, including patients identified as bombing victims who turned out not to be, empty coffins at funerals and burials where some of those interred turned out not to be airstrike victims at all.”
The Lawrence videos, on the WBAIX channel, of hospitalized civilians is evidence that, rather than injuries and killings by bombs being “rare” or reporting “blunders,” they are realities. Graphic images of the wounded are documented in the WBAIX videos created by Joshalyn Lawrence.
In the videos, one after another wounded innocent civilian described atrocities to Cynthia McKinney, in a fact-finding mission with a team including a delegation of former MPs and professors from France, all now in Tripoli.
The live-stream Lawrence videos on DeBar’s channel document the NATO attacks and the injured, showing their wounds and describing friends and co-workers killed.
McKinney’s fact-finder team is seen entering one hospital room after another, each with the injured and the doctor explaining how the injury occurred and showing the injuries.
Houses are “completely destroyed” and meanwhile, according to McKinney, NATO has its own psychological operation in progress.
In a June 7 statement by McKinney, she refutes NATO claims about making “significant progress” in “protecting Libyan civilians” and “targeting military intelligence headquarters in downtown Tripoli.”
The fact-finder team, of which McKinney is a delegate, planned a program to visit camps of internally displaced persons in the area but this could not occur because of U.S./NATO attacks.
“[W]e are not able to complete our program while Tripoli is under attack. I will do my best to visit some of the areas bombed today when and if this attack lets up.”
Like The New York Times, The Washington Post headlined “Libya government fails to prove claims of NATO casualties” and the Los Angeles Times headline was “Libya officials put a spin on a conflict.”
“These bombs and missiles are not falling in empty spaces: People are all over Tripoli going about their lives just as in any other major metropolitan city of about 2 million people,” stated McKinney.


“I don’t understand why they want to kill us,” said one young woman seen standing with others outside the Tripoli hospital room, explaining that the old are also being injured and killed.
“Why?” is the question repeatedly asked by the injured who are able to speak.
Political analyst Webster Tarpley answered that question Monday, June 6, on Press TV, stating that the “goal of all this all along has been to smash Libya into various parts to drive Qaddafi out of power and to seize control of the oil to re-impose the yoke of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in still more severe form than we ever had it.”
“And I think right now desperation is growing, especially in London and Paris, that old Suez 1956 combination of unreconstructed imperialists,” said Tarpley.
“They are desperate now because their methods so far are not working. They tried high level bombing, combined with this rebel rabble underground with a lot of al-Qaeda fighters included in it and that’s not working.”
Wayne Madsen, who was among those in the hospital with McKinney and others, seeing the patients and witnessing the injuries, has reported that early mainstream media reports included photos of Libyan rebels waving weapons and discharging them into the air, while “NATO member nations were supposedly locked in debate as to whether or when to provide weapons to the rebels.”
“Someone in the media finally pointed out that the weapons being waved about in the photos were NATO standard issue,” reported Madsen.

Democratically elected Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, targeted for assassination, survives recent attacks. – Photo: Getty Images
Foreign Secretary William Hauge has said that NATO’s almost three month long mission is intensifying and it could last many more months, according to Press TV.
Tarpley speculates that the U.S. aggression on Libya could bring President Obama down. Republicans who have been long-time warmongers “are now seizing on the Libyan war as a means of attacking Obama.”
The War Powers Act “would have required Obama to get congressional approval for what he is doing within 60 days, meaning by about May 20,” stated Tarpley. “At May 20, the second clock starts which gives him 30 days to pull out. If Obama does not pull out of the attack on Libya by about the 20th of June, he could be brought down by the Republicans in the House, who might use that as a vehicle to express their resentment so they build up some other issues.”
African Americans in Harlem urged public support on Wednesday as they protest the U.S./NATO attacks on Libyan Africans and the targeting of Libyan leader Col. Muammar Qadaffi, the man praised by Nelson Mandela for supporting the anti-apartheid struggle and the man who has said No to the establishment of a U.S. military command (Africom) on the African continent to take African resources. (See “African Americans’ emergency gathering to stop Qadaffi assassination” by Deborah Dupré, National Human Rights
McKinney asked June 7, “What were you doing today between 1:00 p.m. and now? The people of Tripoli endure the trauma of repeated bombings in their immediate environment.”
Referring to “imperialist” Nuremberg crimes against humanity in Libya, Tarpley said that “undoubtedly,” depleted uranium and cluster bombs are being used, “and all the rest.”
Investigations have revealed that the U.S. Navy used cluster bombs on Libyans that injured the innocent, including children.
“[A]nd that’s what they call democracy these days.”
Deborah Dupre holds American and Australian science and education graduate degrees and has 30 years experience in human rights, environmental and peace activism. Email her at and visit her website, This story first appeared at

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Goodbye Facebook...

I just deleted my Facebook account. I have thought of it before for various reasons that have to do mainly with Facebook’s leaking of account details and information. I don’t know firsthand if it is true or not, since it has not happened to me personally (to my knowledge). Anyway, I have nothing to worry about. I haven't published any underwear pictures of me like Tony the Wiener, er, at least not that I recall, although I did accidentally turn on my web cam and stood in front of it naked and LMAO. (But I only made twenty disc copies for my closest  friends. Honest!)

I suppose if someone drops me an official-looking summons with a message that says, "Hi Mike, how's that wart doing on your right butt cheek...?   (click) LIKE!  (click) FRIEND ME...See you in court, baby!" ... then I guess I'll know.

Today I read a report from Bloomberg with the headline Facebook Used As Tool To Serve Court Papers. You can read it here.

“It seems only logical now that tools like Facebook or Twitter be used” to contact people who can’t be traced using traditional means, said Daniel Hamilton, director of Big Brother Watch in London, noting such efforts don’t violate personal privacy. “Now is it desirable? No.”

Interesting. They "don't violate personal privacy"...
That, of course, is debatable.

But that says it in a nutshell. My Facebook information can be used against me by someone else, someone I don’t know, someone who might want to serve me with papers not in my best interests. This has been done to others. It could happen to me. It could happen to you. After this, what else will Facebook be used for? It is already widely rumored, and probably true, that Facebook was started,  not by a young college geek with a bright idea nobody ever thought of before, as Hollywood has blissfully claimed, but by the CIA as a means to keep tabs on the world surreptitiously. The world. Not just the USA.

You may recall (or not) that once upon a time when Social Security numbers were invented, one's SSN was never intended to be used for identification purposes, only for government tax records. And we all know how far south that went. Can Facebook be far behind?


"Although some people do not have an SSN assigned to them, it is becoming increasingly difficult to engage in legitimate financial activities such as applying for a loan or a bank account without one.[12] While the government cannot require an individual to disclose his SSN without a legal basis, companies may refuse to provide service to an individual who does not provide a SSN."  

Anyway, I’ve never been a Facebook "user." I’ve never divulged any information or pictures that I didn’t want to share out there. I’ve submitted a few “wall” posts and such, mostly pertaining to my blog site, Save My Brain. And frankly (to date myself), I never did "get" Facebook, and the way people communicate on it and somehow “master” its quirky way of communicating, if you can call it that, and somehow think this is the coolest thing since cell phones were reduced to palm size.

I realized early on that I would never fit in with this crowd. I received a strong impression that most of them have no idea how to converse in real time, but can be completely verbose onscreen. They talk but do not speak. They read but do not understand. They hear but do not listen. They inhale but do not exhale. They eat but do not chew.

Whenever I read Facebook pages, I get a dreamy, hauntingly familiar feeling that\there is a great big party going on somewhere, and if only I knew where it was...

How can you handle Facebook excitement like this:

Meanwhile, on some other page...


In the modern world, internet conversation is often about shock value, like saying something that proves that you sometimes leave your house with your eyes open and moving, whereas  live conversation (you know, "real time")  is more about filibustering with rap-like platitudes, as opposed to speaking full sentences that demonstrate that one has graduated from K-8. Perhaps the origin of this comes from the rules of British Parliamentary Procedure. Whoever has the floor talks, and keeps on talking until time is up or somebody else manages to grab the floor. Or on Facebook, until somebody presses the "Like" button and "Likes" you. If you can impress enough people you're in. Just like in real life.

I have read things on Facebook that were short and profound...and drew absolutely no response from others at all.

I have read boring mundane statements that drew cheers and commentary from those with equally mundane minds. Others simply clicked the  "LIKE" button.

I saw my niece's Facebook page, and incredibly she had 1450 friends! I looked at my page and was ashamed that I had only 6 friends. What's wrong with me? Oh woe. Oh despicable me! What a loser.

Anyway, good luck to the rest of you still on Facebook. I have asked myself, "Why do I want to be on a website that may be used to take my information and serve me some scary papers?" I don't hang out in front of lawyers' offices for this. Why do it on Facebook?  I am good with this. If I had a "LIKE" button on my desk I would press it.

Now that I have deleted my account, I must wait a full 14 days without returning to the Facebook site, and then it will be completely deleted. However (and this is extremely important, warns Facebook), if I should accidentally return to Facebook before 14 days are up, then I will melt into goo in  my computer chair and all my computer files will be deleted. Since I don’t want that, I guess I will force myself to wait.

To the rest of you still on Facebook, know that Big Brother is definitely watching you, so be careful when you parade naked in front of your webcam. When you are eventually served with a summons on Facebook someday (like for parading naked in front of your webcam), by then Facebook will have added some new apps, and there will probably be a “Serve Me!” button you can press, for convenience.

But if you want to delete your Facebook account, Facebook won't tell you how to do it - not directly. Why would they? You'll have to do as I did and Google -- "How the @#!!  do I @#!! delete my @#!! Facebook account, @#!!  ?" and then you'll find out. You can't miss.

Goodbye to my 6 "friends". I hardly "LIKED" ye...