Thursday, June 10, 2010

"Battered" Israel relieved to take back seat on Iran sanctions -

Battered Israel relieved to take back seat on Iran sanctions -

Here is a good example of media propaganda.
The headline reads "Battered" Israel. The date is June 9, 2010, Christian Science Monitor. There is even a very good picture of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looking woebegone, pleading - (although extremely well-dressed) - and appropriately "embattered."

Only one problem.

I read the article. Nowhere else in the article does it mention "battered" Israel or why Israel is "battered," or how Israel got battered.

As the whole world now knows, it is Israel who has been doing the "battering."

This is on the tails of the recent "battering" that Israel gave to the the main boat of a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, the Turkish-flagged Mavi Marmara last week, in which several crew and international passengers were killed or wounded.

How many were killed? Thanks to Israel's efficient "cleanup" afterward, no one is certain. Israel has said it will be conducting its own investigation into the incident and needs no help in doing so from the rest of the world, so not to worry. If there has been any foul play, Israel will be sure to let us know. To read an article emphasizing Israel's reassurance, click here.

But here's the varied tally so far according to four different news media. Click on each link for the original stories:
15 peace activists
nine passengers
at least 20 people
Up to 16 people

But never mind all the murders. I digress...

Instead the article talks about sanctions against Iran, same old subject. Only Israel is "relieved" to take the back seat on Iran sanctions and leave things to the United States.

This is a relief? Israel has always been the proverbial back seat driver. Israel is and has always been adamant that the United States be more forceful about Iran sanctions. Why? Because the Israeli regime will not dare take on Iran alone. Israel knows it is outmatched in any confrontation with Iran using conventional weapons. Israel could nuke Iran, of course, but only if Israel had nuclear weapons. Apparently they don't have any because Israel has been telling us for years that they don't have any, no matter what any other country's intelligence says.

We can believe them because as Hillary Clinton and the whole Obama gang keep reminding us, Israel is our "trusted ally."

Thank God someone is our trusted ally. We don't even trust England as much as we trust Israel. But then, of course, in the beginning, we left England to come here, didn't we...and of course we have England to thank for the Balfour Declaration that started the whole ball rolling.

See my related Astrology article on Israel here.


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